Use OCR to analyze the latest payslip provided by the candidate.
Turnaround Time:
1 business day
Recommended for:
Business employers and financial institutions
Disclaimer: Report turnaround varies upon candidates' promptness in submitting documents.
Verify your candidate’s previous salary with these easy steps!
Step 1: Select what kind of checks to run.
Step 2: Send the request to the applicant.
Step 3: The applicant consents to the use of their data.
Step 4: The check runs automatically. Once finished, the results are automatically sent to you.
What is a payslip check?
A payslip check is the process of verifying the authenticity of an individual’s payslip to confirm their employment and income for background verification, loan applications, or more.
Why is a payslip check important?
It helps ensure that the income information provided by an employee or applicant is accurate and truthful. This is crucial in assessing the financial stability of an individual.
Who conducts a payslip check?
Payslip checks can be conducted by employers, financial institutions, or background verification companies as part of pre-employment screening or loan approval processes.
What information is typically verified in a payslip check?
Key information verified includes the employee’s salary, employer details, payment period, and net income.
What documents are required for a payslip check?
Individuals are asked to provide their recent payslips (usually 1–3 months), along with supporting documents such as employment contracts, tax documents, or bank statements.