Ensure your candidate’s ID numbers match their registered name.
Turnaround Time:
1 business day
Recommended for:
All types of businesses
Disclaimer: Report turnaround varies upon candidates' promptness in submitting documents.
Verify candidate ID and TIN with these easy steps!
Step 1: Select what kind of checks to run.
Step 2: Send the request to the applicant.
Step 3: The applicant consents to the use of their data.
Step 4: The check runs automatically. Once finished, the results are automatically sent to you.
What is an ID + TIN verification check?
ID + TIN verification check confirms the authenticity of an individual's government-issued identification (e.g., passport, driver's license, national ID, TIN ID) to verify their identity.
Which types of IDs can be verified?
Common IDs include passports, driver’s licenses, national IDs (e.g., SSS ID, Philhealth ID), voter’s ID, Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) ID and other government-issued identification.
Is the consent of the applicant required for ID + TIN verification checks?
Yes, Smile Checks only uses user-consented data in doing its background checks.
How does ID + TIN verification check work?
ID + TIN verification compares the information provided by the candidate with government databases or other reliable sources to ensure its accuracy and authenticity.
What happens if my ID fails verification?
If an ID fails verification, you may need to submit additional documentation or try verifying with a different ID.