Credentials Check

Confirm the candidate’s professional licenses through PRC, OWWA, or IBP checks.

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Confirm the candidate’s professional licenses through PRC, OWWA, or IBP checks.

Turnaround Time:

1 business day

Recommended for:

All types of businesses

Disclaimer: Report turnaround varies upon candidates' promptness in submitting documents.

smile checks background check report

Verify your candidate’s credentials with these easy steps!

Step 1: Select what kind of checks to run.

Step 2: Send the request to the applicant.

Step 3: The applicant consents to the use of their data.

Step 4: The check runs automatically. Once finished, the results are automatically sent to you.


What is a credentials check?

A credentials check verifies a candidate’s qualifications, certifications, and professional licenses to ensure they meet the requirements for a specific role.

Why is it important to verify credentials?

Verifying credentials ensures that a candidate has the necessary qualifications and reduces the risk of hiring unqualified individuals.

What types of credentials can be checked?

Credentials such as degrees, professional certifications, licenses (e.g., medical, legal, teaching), and specialized training can be verified.

How long does a credentials check take?

It typically takes a day to verify credentials, depending on the issuing institution and the promptness of the candidate to submit documents.

What happens if a candidate's credentials can't be verified?

If credentials cannot be verified, the employer may need to request for other supporting documents from the candidate to verify their credentials.

I'm interested. Do you offer a free trial?

You can sign up for a free trial via our Smile Checks Portal, or book a 30-minute call with us so we can assist you!