Academic Check

Validate education history with transcripts of records.

filipino holding graduation cap

Validate education history with transcripts of records.

Turnaround Time:

3-12 business days

Recommended for:

All types of businesses

Disclaimer: Report turnaround varies upon candidates' promptness in submitting documents.

smile checks background check report

Verify your candidate’s academic stint with these easy steps!

Step 1: Select what kind of checks to run.

Step 2: Send the request to the applicant.

Step 3: The applicant consents to the use of their data.

Step 4: The check runs automatically. Once finished, the results are automatically sent to you.


What is an academic check?

An academic check verifies a candidate’s educational background, including degrees, diplomas, and transcripts from schools, colleges, or universities.

Why is academic verification important?

Verifying academic credentials ensures the candidate has the necessary education required for the job and helps prevent credential fraud.

Which academic records can be verified?

Academic records such as high school diplomas, college degrees, certifications, and professional courses can be verified.

How long does an academic check take?

It can take a few days to a few weeks, depending on the institution's response time and location.

What if a candidate’s academic institution no longer exists?

In such cases, alternative methods like contacting the education board or examining archived records can be used to verify the credentials.

I'm interested. Do you offer a free trial?

You can sign up for a free trial via our Smile Checks Portal, or book a 30-minute call with us so we can assist you!